MADAGASCAR - Paediatrician

You will work in an international team of Malagasy and foreign doctors. You will see your young patients during consultations and care for them on the medical ward and in the newly built maternity centre. You finance your work yourself, e.g. through fundraising or a circle of friends. You live on a well-maintained compound, where the hospital is also located. You can organise your free time as you wish; for example with hikes, bike tours, visits to Malagasy villages, excursions to Mandritsara, games evenings. etc. We cultivate an active team life and would be delighted if you were part of it.


The minimum duration of the assignment depends on your experience and is at least two months.


The Good News Hospital is located in the north of Madagascar, in Mandritsara. It is the only well-equipped hospital within a radius of over 200 kilometres and comprises the medical ward, surgery, maternity and eye clinic. Every year, around 14,000 patients are treated in the hospital and hear the "Good News" - the Good News of Jesus Christ. Further information:





- Consultant or assistant doctor (from year 4 of residency) paediatrics


- Knowledge of written and spoken French and English, approx. level B1 or higher


- Work experience in a similar environment an advantage but not mandatory


- Personal relationship with Jesus Christ and membership of a church


- Enjoy getting to know other people and cultures

Informations complémentaires

  • Compétences linguistiques : French / English
  • Frais : CHF Ask SIM CH / mensuel
  • Financement : support group required

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